So about that road to Masters…

I ended up quitting Overwatch for almost the last half of 2018. Doomfist came into the game and it just really rubbed me the wrong way. It just felt a bit imbalanced and it just left a sour taste in my mouth.

But mainly because I tried so hard to hit Masters during Season 8 and fell short. I got up to 3466 SR with a trio group while one-tricking (for the most part) as Mercy. Eventually, my work schedule didn’t align with theirs so I was left to solo queue. Holy hell, solo queue support can be rough.

I won, then lost, then lost, and lost.. So then I would keep rage queueing. Then I decayed. Then I lost, then I said FUCK YOU and stopped queuing altogether.

Pretty much the last time I even played Competitive on my main account as I gave up after that. Accidentally queued last season and had to play one match but I still don’t care about competitive anymore.

I’d rather suffer in QP. Which also means I went out of my comfort zone with playing support and decided to just force myself into DPS. Ashe is bae.

Mage solo farm spec for Starfall Prophecy

This guide is valid for Rift 4.0 and is written for characters at Level 70.


One of the best things for the Mage class since Storm Legion has been the introduction of Harbinger, a melee-based soul. It has made leveling and farming very easy and with lots of survivability to boot. The reason why it is such a great soul is that it has the best synergy with Chloromancer and it’s Lifegiving Veil healing.

It has been the go-to farming and solo build for number of years however it has currently been “amplified” by the addition of Starfall Prophecy expansion’s Legendary talents.

Continue reading “Mage solo farm spec for Starfall Prophecy”

61 Sentinel: Cleric Expert Dungeon Tank Healing

This guide is valid for Rift 2.8 and is written for characters at Level 60.


With the changes that were made to the souls starting with Rift 1.11, healing has changed quite a bit for Storm Legion Experts at Level 60. Gone are the days of being able to run through experts as a Senticar, Cabicar or Inquisicar. We’re back to our roots: full healing souls! The damage output in experts is quite high and requires vigilant tank healing as well as some spot party healing.
Continue reading “61 Sentinel: Cleric Expert Dungeon Tank Healing”