In Overwatch I usually play more competitive than I do quick play just because I tend to like the frustrations and intensity that those matches typically have. When I need to warm up, I’ll play quick play but that’s about it. Buuut… since the Winter Wonderland event is ending on the 3rd, I figured I’d try to grind a few levels in quick play to get a few more boxes.
Quick Play is atrocious if you solo queue. You’ll get on teams that go all DPS so you either heal or tank. I’ve tried to insta-lock Ana and figured seeing a healer would inspire people to pick around that in terms of tanks and another healer. No. No that is not the case at all. Tonight I was getting 4-5 premades that would go a mixture of defensive and offensive heroes, and if it’s a tank it was Dva. Seeing a Widow/Junk/Hanzo/Torb on attack made me swap off Ana and go Sombra.
But then I had a better idea. So instead I picked in Mercy but I wasn’t going to heal. I was just going to use my pistol since it does a surprising amount of damage ;). But no seriously, it was the safer pick to go. Sure, I could go Lucio but that’d be healing them if I kept my aura up and we won’t want that. I didn’t want to go Zenyatta because his mobility is non-existent. Ana could be obvious but with a 10 clip gun, I just said no. And mobility was another issue if the sleep dart is on CD.
Battle mercy pisses off my team but you know what, I’m killing people, healing out of combat, and I have Angelic Flight to get the hell out of dodge. It’s awesome because people expect Mercy to automatically shove her caduceus up their asshole to heal. I have awoken a monster in me.
I’ll only do this if I’m stuck “solo” healing otherwise if I have a receptive team, then I’ll just go with my usual Ana pick.